It must be that time of the year; publishers are thinking about their Christmas sales already. Most of our days are spent shooting for commercial use, packaging and such. But lately we have been doing cookbooks! Tons of work but tons of creativity. And boy were we overwhelmed with "creative" people this week... We took the weekend to shoot some images for a proposal book for a Moroccan cookbook. It's the brain child of tiny Ruth, who every time we turned around she was trying to put food into our mouths. Literally. Filling the studio with tons of Moroccan props that they had collected, Ruth told us that most of the lovely, sparkling things they had brought they had found at Disney's Epcot Center. Who needs to go over the pond to find authentic ethnic housewares when we've got Epcot!!
There were other delightful discoveries, such as what the raw forms of almonds and garbanzo beans look like, that the camels weren't as silly as we thought, and that baba ghanoush tastes better then it sounds. We all giggled as we exclaimed "Fish Balls" and there were no takers for the candle sticks, even though Denise tried to give them away (a few times). Hopefully with the right book writer, some one will publish this colorful cookbook and we can say, "Hey, check out my baba ghanoush!"
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